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Jule cube den 22 dec et sted i København, måske Fanadiq kunne være en ide? Jeg kan også godt ligge hus til men det er jo i Mørkøv, hvad tænker i om det?
Jeg er gået igang med at samle cuben og glæder mig allerede :-)
Jeg tænker at ligge den op når den er samlet så kan i lige sende en tanke om der er nogle comboer i gerne så kom med eller om der er for meget af noget
Hvor mange er på?
Never tell me the odds! - Han Solo
Øh, fuck. Min sagsbehandler har tilmeldt mig sådan en jobklub, og det er netop (bl.a.) d. 22 dec. 12-15
In the grim darkness of the far future there is only... N'orr!
"...the stories we’ve told, and plan to tell, of Twilight Imperium." ~CTP, FFG
Øv, Casper ):
Jeg skal lige cleare med kollern, men jeg synes godt det kan være her (:
Hvis det nu helt fucker, kan nogen måske bare drafte mig et random kort hver runde, så bliver det et random deck
In the grim darkness of the far future there is only... N'orr!
"...the stories we’ve told, and plan to tell, of Twilight Imperium." ~CTP, FFG
Vi kan lige se hvor mange der kan der, for min skyld kunne det en af dagende op til gav mads Pelle og Daniel udtryk for om de kunne?
Never tell me the odds! - Han Solo
Jeg er på, har afleveret der, så jeg kan hel dagen (og natten) Kunne også være d. 21 for min skyld..
Faith is stronger than Zombies my son.
Jeg kan også det meste af dagen d. 22. Dog vil jeg gerne smutte om aftenen - inden det bliver at for sent.
Ellers tilslutter jeg mig Pelles besked - d. 21. vil også kunne fungere superbt for mig. Der kan jeg hele dagen (+ natten)
Jeg har tænkt over det med personer i netrunner som Jackson h, kati Jones ect at det var meget sjovt om der var en af hver i cuben da de er enkelt personer og der var noget sjov historie i det. Man kunne argumentere for at ash, Caprice, tenma, godt kunne have flere da de er cloner/bioroid. Men de der executives der giver point for runneren er de for dårlige for corpen når man kun spiller til 6 point.
På stimhack argumentere de for flere ash og Caprice da det lægger op til lidt længere spil end cuben ellers gør.
Nogle af runner karakterene er mere oplagte at have færre af end andre, kati Jones er stærk nok til at være first pick stort set hver gang, donut not so much.. Skal vi have flere af nogle end af andre?
Jeg tror jeg hælder til en af hver for flavorens skyld
Hvad tænker i?
Never tell me the odds! - Han Solo
Synes det er en fed ide med 1 af hver af dem der ikke er cloner / bioroids.
In the grim darkness of the far future there is only... N'orr!
"...the stories we’ve told, and plan to tell, of Twilight Imperium." ~CTP, FFG
Vi tager til familie d. 22. Den 21. ved jeg ikke hvordan ser ud, vi har ofte travlt i de dage - hvis det ender med at blive d. 21 er det et klart måske fra mig
Fanadiq er klar på den 22. (:
Til gengæld har vi husmøde den 21., så der kan jeg hverken lægge person eller hus til.
Det ser ud til at det bliver den 22 der er flest der kan, så den holder vi fast i og det bliver i fanadiq der ligger på engsvinget 1.
Casper kan fra kl 15 er det for sent hvis vi skal nå at spille mod alle? mads hvor sent skal du afsted?
ellers må vi starte lidt tidligere og få en fra fanadiq til at drafte for casper :-)
Hvor mange er på?
Jeg smider cuben op her kunne ikke lige overskue hvordan det var smart, så det blev ikke smart men her er den v1.1 :-)
Never tell me the odds! - Han Solo
The Shadow: Pulling the Strings (Draft)
Agenda (68)
3x Accelerated Beta Test (Core Set)
2x Nisei MK II (Core Set)
2x Breaking News (Core Set)
2x Hostile Takeover (Core Set)
2x Posted Bounty (Core Set)
2x Private Security Force (Core Set)
2x Braintrust (What Lies Ahead)
3x Project Atlas (What Lies Ahead)
2x Fetal AI (Trace Amount)
3x Project Vitruvius (Cyber Exodus)
1x Government Contracts (A Study in Static)
1x False Lead (A Study in Static)
2x Project Beale (Future Proof)
1x Corporate War (Future Proof)
1x Director Haas' Pet Project (Creation and Control)
2x Efficiency Committee (Creation and Control)
2x Gila Hands Arcology (Creation and Control)
1x Project Ares (Opening Moves)
1x Character Assassination (Opening Moves)
1x Geothermal Fracking (Opening Moves)
2x Clone Retirement (Second Thoughts)
1x Profiteering (Second Thoughts)
2x TGTBT (True Colors)
1x Market Research (Fear and Loathing)
2x NAPD Contract (Double Time)
2x House of Knives (Honor and Profit)
3x Medical Breakthrough (Honor and Profit)
1x Philotic Entanglement (Honor and Profit)
2x The Future Perfect (Honor and Profit)
1x Encrypted Portals (The Spaces Between)
1x Superior Cyberwalls (All That Remains)
1x Glenn Station (Order and Chaos)
1x Government Takeover (Order and Chaos)
2x Oaktown Renovation (Chrome City)
1x Underway Renovation (The Underway)
2x Explode-a-palooza (Old Hollywood)
1x Vanity Project (Old Hollywood)
1x The Future is Now (The Universe of Tomorrow)
1x 15 Minutes (Data and Destiny)
1x Improved Tracers (Data and Destiny)
1x Quantum Predictive Model (Data and Destiny)
2x Global Food Initiative (Data and Destiny)
Asset (53)
2x Adonis Campaign (Core Set) ••••
2x Aggressive Secretary (Core Set) ••••
2x Project Junebug (Core Set) ••
2x Snare! (Core Set) ••••
1x Ghost Branch (Core Set) •
1x Melange Mining Corp. (Core Set)
2x PAD Campaign (Core Set)
2x Marked Accounts (Cyber Exodus) ••
1x Eve Campaign (Humanity's Shadow) •••
2x Ronin (Future Proof) ••••• •••
1x Alix T4LB07 (Creation and Control) •
1x Cerebral Overwriter (Creation and Control) ••
1x Director Haas (Creation and Control) •••••
1x Haas Arcology AI (Creation and Control) ••••
1x Thomas Haas (Creation and Control) •
1x Jackson Howard (Opening Moves) •
1x Elizabeth Mills (Second Thoughts) ••
1x Isabel McGuire (Mala Tempora) •
1x Sundew (Mala Tempora) •••
2x Shock! (True Colors) ••••
1x Toshiyuki Sakai (Fear and Loathing) ••
1x GRNDL Refinery (Fear and Loathing) ••
1x Chairman Hiro (Honor and Profit) •••••
2x Mental Health Clinic (Honor and Profit) ••••
1x Psychic Field (Honor and Profit) •
1x Shi.Kyū (Honor and Profit) ••••
1x The Root (Upstalk) •••
1x Eliza's Toybox (First Contact) ••
1x Reversed Accounts (Up and Over) •
2x Daily Business Show (All That Remains) ••
1x Executive Boot Camp (All That Remains) •
1x The Board (Order and Chaos) •••••
2x Capital Investors (The Valley) ••••
1x Contract Killer (The Underway) ••••
1x Ronald Five (Old Hollywood) •••
1x Public Support (The Universe of Tomorrow) •••
1x Lily Lockwell (Data and Destiny) ••••
1x News Team (Data and Destiny) ••
1x Shannon Claire (Data and Destiny) ••
1x Victoria Jenkins (Data and Destiny) •••••
2x Launch Campaign (Data and Destiny)
Upgrade (32)
1x Corporate Troubleshooter (Core Set) •
1x Akitaro Watanabe (Core Set) ••
2x Red Herrings (Core Set) ••••
1x SanSan City Grid (Core Set) •••
3x Ash 2X3ZB9CY (What Lies Ahead) ••••• •
1x ChiLo City Grid (Trace Amount) ••
1x Amazon Industrial Zone (Trace Amount) •
1x Hokusai Grid (Humanity's Shadow) ••
1x Bernice Mai (Humanity's Shadow) ••
1x Simone Diego (Humanity's Shadow) ••
1x Midori (Future Proof) •••
2x Caprice Nisei (Double Time) ••••• •••
1x Tori Hanzō (Honor and Profit) ••••
1x Midway Station Grid (Upstalk) ••••
1x Heinlein Grid (The Spaces Between) ••
1x Will-o'-the-Wisp (The Spaces Between)
1x The Twins (Order and Chaos) •
1x Valley Grid (The Valley) ••
1x Breaker Bay Grid (Breaker Bay)
1x Oaktown Grid (Chrome City) ••
1x Ryon Knight (Chrome City) ••
1x Marcus Batty (The Underway) •••
1x Old Hollywood Grid (Old Hollywood) ••
2x Product Placement (The Universe of Tomorrow) ••
1x Expo Grid (The Universe of Tomorrow) •••
1x Keegan Lane (Data and Destiny) •••
1x Rutherford Grid (Data and Destiny) ••
Operation (64)
2x Archived Memories (Core Set) ••••
2x Biotic Labor (Core Set) ••••• •••
3x Neural EMP (Core Set) ••••• •
2x Closed Accounts (Core Set) ••
2x Psychographics (Core Set) ••••• •
2x SEA Source (Core Set) ••••
3x Beanstalk Royalties (Core Set) •••
3x Scorched Earth (Core Set) ••••• ••••• ••
3x Hedge Fund (Core Set)
3x Trick of Light (Trace Amount) ••••• ••••
3x Green Level Clearance (A Study in Static) •••
3x Oversight AI (A Study in Static) ••••• •
2x Midseason Replacements (Future Proof) ••••• •••
2x Successful Demonstration (Creation and Control) ••
3x Celebrity Gift (Opening Moves) ••••• ••••
2x Shipment from SanSan (Second Thoughts) ••
3x Restructure (Second Thoughts)
2x Power Shutdown (Mala Tempora) ••••
2x Interns (Mala Tempora)
3x Sweeps Week (True Colors) ••••• •
2x Punitive Counterstrike (True Colors) ••••
2x Blue Level Clearance (Fear and Loathing) ••••
2x Subliminal Messaging (Fear and Loathing)
3x Mushin No Shin (Honor and Profit) ••••• •
1x Fast Track (Honor and Profit)
2x Traffic Accident (Order and Chaos) ••
1x Casting Call (Old Hollywood) ••
1x 24/7 News Cycle (Data and Destiny) •••
Barrier (39)
1x Heimdall 1.0 (Core Set) ••
2x Wall of Thorns (Core Set) ••
2x Hadrian's Wall (Core Set) ••••• •
2x Ice Wall (Core Set) ••
1x Wall of Static (Core Set)
1x Snowflake (What Lies Ahead) ••
1x TMI (What Lies Ahead) •
2x Eli 1.0 (Future Proof) ••
1x Heimdall 2.0 (Creation and Control) •••
1x Bastion (Creation and Control)
2x Himitsu-Bako (Opening Moves) ••••
1x Wotan (Second Thoughts) •••••
1x Paper Wall (Mala Tempora)
1x Curtain Wall (True Colors) ••
2x Wraparound (Fear and Loathing) ••
2x Hive (Double Time) ••••
3x NEXT Silver (Upstalk) ••••• •
1x Ashigaru (Up and Over) •••
2x Changeling (Up and Over) ••••
2x Markus 1.0 (The Source) ••
1x Asteroid Belt (Order and Chaos) ••
1x Fire Wall (Order and Chaos) ••
1x Meru Mati (Breaker Bay) ••
1x Quicksand (Chrome City)
1x Pachinko (The Underway) •
1x Spiderweb (The Underway) ••
2x Resistor (Data and Destiny) ••••
Code Gate (39)
2x Viktor 1.0 (Core Set) ••••
1x Chum (Core Set) •
2x Tollbooth (Core Set) ••••
3x Enigma (Core Set)
2x Viper (Cyber Exodus) ••
3x Pop-up Window (Cyber Exodus) •••
1x Hourglass (A Study in Static) ••
1x Viktor 2.0 (Creation and Control) •••
2x Datapike (Creation and Control)
3x NEXT Bronze (Opening Moves) ••••• •
2x RSVP (True Colors) ••••
2x Yagura (Fear and Loathing) ••••
3x Quandary (Double Time)
1x Inazuma (Honor and Profit) ••
2x Lotus Field (Upstalk) ••
2x IQ (First Contact) ••••
1x Wendigo (First Contact) ••
1x Wormhole (Order and Chaos) ••
1x Checkpoint (Order and Chaos) ••
1x Turing (Breaker Bay) •••
1x Crick (Breaker Bay) •••
1x Little Engine (Chrome City) ••
1x Archangel (Data and Destiny) ••••
Sentry (46)
1x Ichi 1.0 (Core Set) ••
1x Rototurret (Core Set) •
2x Neural Katana (Core Set) ••••
2x Data Raven (Core Set) ••••
2x Archer (Core Set) ••••
1x Shadow (Core Set) •
1x Hunter (Core Set)
1x Janus 1.0 (What Lies Ahead) •••
2x Caduceus (What Lies Ahead) ••••
1x Dracō (What Lies Ahead)
1x Flare (Future Proof) •••
1x Ichi 2.0 (Creation and Control) •••
1x Grim (Opening Moves)
1x Swordsman (Second Thoughts) •
1x Fenris (True Colors) ••
1x Tsurugi (True Colors) ••
1x Shinobi (Double Time) •••
2x Komainu (Honor and Profit) ••••• •••
2x Pup (Honor and Profit) ••
1x Susanoo-No-Mikoto (Honor and Profit) •••
1x Guard (Honor and Profit)
1x Rainbow (Honor and Profit)
1x Taurus (Upstalk) ••
2x Architect (Up and Over) ••••
1x Sagittarius (All That Remains) ••
1x Lycan (All That Remains) ••
1x Errand Boy (The Source) •
2x Troll (The Source) ••••
1x Nebula (Order and Chaos) ••
1x Orion (Order and Chaos) •••
2x NEXT Gold (The Valley) ••••• •
1x Cortex Lock (The Valley) ••
1x Negotiator (The Valley) ••
1x Gutenberg (Breaker Bay) •••
1x Enforcer 1.0 (Old Hollywood) ••
1x Turnpike (Data and Destiny) ••
1x Assassin (Data and Destiny)
ICE (4)
1x Chimera (Cyber Exodus)
1x Mother Goddess (Upstalk)
1x Universal Connectivity Fee (Up and Over) •
1x Special Offer (Data and Destiny) ••
Last edited by Troels G (08-12-2015 19:17)
Never tell me the odds! - Han Solo
The Masque: Cyber General (Draft)
Event (80)
2x Déjà Vu (Core Set) ••••
1x Demolition Run (Core Set) ••
3x Stimhack (Core Set) •••
2x Easy Mark (Core Set) ••
2x Forged Activation Orders (Core Set) ••••
2x Inside Job (Core Set) ••••• •
2x Special Order (Core Set) ••••
3x Diesel (Core Set) ••••• •
2x Modded (Core Set) ••••
2x The Maker's Eye (Core Set) ••••
2x Tinkering (Core Set) ••••• •••
2x Infiltration (Core Set)
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)
2x Vamp (Trace Amount) ••••
2x Emergency Shutdown (Cyber Exodus) ••••
2x Test Run (Cyber Exodus) ••••• •
1x Surge (Humanity's Shadow) •
2x Quality Time (Humanity's Shadow) ••
2x Retrieval Run (Future Proof) ••••
2x Indexing (Future Proof) ••••• •
2x Escher (Creation and Control) ••••• •••••
2x Scavenge (Creation and Control) ••••
1x Levy AR Lab Access (Creation and Control) •••
2x Dirty Laundry (Creation and Control)
1x Hostage (Opening Moves) ••
1x Eureka! (Second Thoughts) •
1x Quest Completed (Fear and Loathing) ••
2x Queen's Gambit (Double Time) ••••• •
3x Lucky Find (Double Time)
2x Express Delivery (Honor and Profit) ••
2x Legwork (Honor and Profit) ••••
1x Planned Assault (Honor and Profit) ••
2x Inject (Up and Over) ••••
1x Trade-In (Up and Over) ••
1x Code Siphon (The Source) ••••
1x Amped Up (Order and Chaos) •••
2x I've Had Worse (Order and Chaos) ••••
2x Wanton Destruction (Order and Chaos) ••••• •••
2x Day Job (Order and Chaos) ••
1x Forked (Order and Chaos) •••
1x Knifed (Order and Chaos) •••
1x Spooned (Order and Chaos) •••
1x Career Fair (Breaker Bay) •
1x Game Day (Breaker Bay) •••
1x Drive By (The Underway) ••
1x Fisk Investment Seminar (The Universe of Tomorrow) ••
1x Apocalypse (Data and Destiny) •••
Hardware (57)
3x Cyberfeeder (Core Set) •••
1x Grimoire (Core Set) ••
1x Lemuria Codecracker (Core Set) •
1x Desperado (Core Set) •••
3x Akamatsu Mem Chip (Core Set) •••
2x The Personal Touch (Core Set) ••••
1x The Toolbox (Core Set) ••
1x Spinal Modem (What Lies Ahead) ••
1x Cortez Chip (What Lies Ahead) ••
1x Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead)
2x e3 Feedback Implants (Trace Amount) ••••
2x Dyson Mem Chip (Trace Amount)
1x Dinosaurus (Cyber Exodus) ••
1x Doppelgänger (A Study in Static) ••
2x HQ Interface (Humanity's Shadow) ••••
2x R&D Interface (Future Proof) ••••
3x Clone Chip (Creation and Control) ••••• •
2x Omni-Drive (Creation and Control) ••••• •
3x Lockpick (Opening Moves) ••••• ••••
2x CyberSolutions Mem Chip (Fear and Loathing) ••••
3x Dyson Fractal Generator (Double Time) ••••• ••••
3x Silencer (Double Time) ••••• ••••
1x Logos (Honor and Profit) ••
1x Unregistered S&W '35 (Honor and Profit) •••
1x Box-E (First Contact) •
1x Astrolabe (Up and Over) ••
1x Vigil (Order and Chaos) ••
1x Comet (Breaker Bay) ••
1x Turntable (Chrome City) ••
2x Net-Ready Eyes (Chrome City) ••••
1x Forger (The Underway) •
1x Bookmark (The Universe of Tomorrow) ••
1x Heartbeat (Data and Destiny) •••
1x Brain Chip (Data and Destiny) •••
2x Security Chip (Data and Destiny) ••
1x Security Nexus (Data and Destiny) •••
Resource (88)
2x Ice Carver (Core Set) ••••• •
1x Wyldside (Core Set) •••
3x Bank Job (Core Set) ••••• •
2x Crash Space (Core Set) ••••
1x Decoy (Core Set) ••
1x Aesop's Pawnshop (Core Set) ••
1x Sacrificial Construct (Core Set) •
2x Armitage Codebusting (Core Set)
1x The Helpful AI (What Lies Ahead) ••
3x Liberated Account (Trace Amount) ••••• •
2x Compromised Employee (Trace Amount) ••
1x Joshua B. (Cyber Exodus) •••
2x Personal Workshop (Cyber Exodus) ••••• •••
2x Scrubber (A Study in Static) ••
1x Xanadu (Humanity's Shadow) ••
1x Kati Jones (Humanity's Shadow)
2x Data Leak Reversal (Future Proof) ••
1x Mr. Li (Future Proof) ••
2x Professional Contacts (Creation and Control) ••••
2x Ice Analyzer (Creation and Control) ••
3x Daily Casts (Creation and Control)
2x Same Old Thing (Creation and Control)
1x The Source (Creation and Control)
1x Motivation (Opening Moves) •
1x John Masanori (Opening Moves)
2x Hard at Work (Second Thoughts) ••••
3x Grifter (Mala Tempora) •••
1x Woman in the Red Dress (Mala Tempora) ••••
1x Raymond Flint (Mala Tempora)
2x Fall Guy (Double Time) ••
3x Security Testing (Honor and Profit) ••••• ••••
2x Tri-maf Contact (Honor and Profit) ••
1x Oracle May (Honor and Profit)
1x Donut Taganes (Honor and Profit)
3x Ghost Runner (The Spaces Between)
1x The Supplier (First Contact) ••
1x Rachel Beckman (First Contact)
2x Zona Sul Shipping (All That Remains) ••
1x Utopia Shard (All That Remains)
2x Earthrise Hotel (The Source)
1x Human First (Order and Chaos) ••
2x Data Folding (Order and Chaos)
2x Symmetrical Visage (The Valley)
1x Off-Campus Apartment (Breaker Bay) •
1x London Library (Breaker Bay) ••
1x Street Peddler (The Underway) •
2x Gang Sign (The Underway) ••••• •
2x Muertos Gang Member (The Underway) ••••
1x Drug Dealer (Old Hollywood) •
1x Rolodex (Old Hollywood) •
1x Film Critic (Old Hollywood) •
1x DDoS (The Universe of Tomorrow) •••
1x Dr. Lovegood (Data and Destiny) •
1x Globalsec Security Clearance (Data and Destiny) ••
1x Jak Sinclair (Data and Destiny) ••
2x Technical Writer (Data and Destiny)
Icebreaker (63)
2x Corroder (Core Set) ••••
2x Mimic (Core Set) ••
2x Yog.0 (Core Set) ••
2x Femme Fatale (Core Set) ••
2x Ninja (Core Set) ••••
2x Battering Ram (Core Set) ••••
2x Gordian Blade (Core Set) ••••• •
2x Crypsis (Core Set)
2x Morning Star (What Lies Ahead) ••••• •••
1x Peacock (What Lies Ahead) ••
1x ZU.13 Key Master (What Lies Ahead) ••
2x Snowball (Trace Amount) ••••
1x Deus X (A Study in Static) •
2x Darwin (Future Proof) ••••• •
2x Faerie (Future Proof) ••••• •
2x Atman (Creation and Control) ••••• •
2x Dagger (Creation and Control) ••••
2x Cyber-Cypher (Creation and Control) ••••• •
2x Inti (Creation and Control) ••
2x Knight (Mala Tempora) ••••
1x Torch (Mala Tempora) ••••
1x Garrote (True Colors) •••
1x Sharpshooter (True Colors) •
1x Alias (Honor and Profit) ••
2x Breach (Honor and Profit) ••••
2x Passport (Honor and Profit) ••••
1x Overmind (Honor and Profit)
2x BlacKat (First Contact) ••••• •
2x Refractor (First Contact) ••••
2x Switchblade (Up and Over) ••••
1x Cerberus "Cuj.0" H3 (All That Remains) •••
2x Cerberus "Rex" H2 (All That Remains) ••••• •
2x Cerberus "Lady" H1 (All That Remains) ••••• •
2x Eater (Order and Chaos) ••••• •
1x Study Guide (Breaker Bay) ••••
1x Faust (The Underway) ••
1x Chameleon (The Underway) •••
1x Endless Hunger (Data and Destiny) ••
Program (53)
3x Datasucker (Core Set) •••
2x Djinn (Core Set) ••••
3x Medium (Core Set) ••••• ••••
3x Parasite (Core Set) ••••• •
2x Sneakdoor Beta (Core Set) ••••• •
2x Magnum Opus (Core Set) ••••
3x Imp (What Lies Ahead) ••••• ••••
3x Nerve Agent (Cyber Exodus) ••••• •
2x Crescentus (A Study in Static) ••
1x Deep Thought (Future Proof) ••
3x Cloak (Creation and Control) ••••• •
2x Paricia (Creation and Control) ••
3x Self-modifying Code (Creation and Control) ••••• ••••
3x Sahasrara (Creation and Control) ••••• •
2x Rook (Opening Moves) ••••
3x Gorman Drip v1 (Opening Moves) •••
2x Scheherazade (Second Thoughts) ••
1x Keyhole (True Colors) •••
1x Hemorrhage (Fear and Loathing) ••••
2x Paintbrush (Double Time) ••••• •••
2x Grappling Hook (Honor and Profit) ••••
2x D4v1d (The Spaces Between) ••••• •••
1x Incubator (The Source) •••
2x Multithreader (Data and Destiny) ••
Never tell me the odds! - Han Solo
Jeg er helt klart på til d. 22.
Og jeg kan også være der langt ud på aftenen også. Så altså for min skyld kan vi fint starte kl. 15, det er ikke noget problem.
Jeg ved bare ikke hvor langt ud på natten jeg kan klare det (og hvor længe I regner med at vi fortsætter?). Jeg tager til jylland om morgenen d. 23. og skal gerne være lidt opladet til dén dag, da det går for vildt ned d. 23. i vestjylland!
Men, it's all good herfra!
Fedt, Siri kunne ikke den 21 så vi holder fast i 22 kl 15 og håber Casper kommer hurtigt, ellers starter vi draften uden ham :-)
Det ville være fedt med en 6 spiller så vi ikke skal side over. Andreas kunne ikke er der nogen der har fået bid?
Tror ikke det bliver sygeligt sent før vi har spillet alle sammen så vi skal nok sende dig godt mod vest Jylland!
Never tell me the odds! - Han Solo
Fedt Mads! Fedt alt!
Troels. Er der noget vi selv skal have med?
In the grim darkness of the far future there is only... N'orr!
"...the stories we’ve told, and plan to tell, of Twilight Imperium." ~CTP, FFG
Ja, jeg sad lige og kiggede på mine kort og jeg har ikke 5 sæt af de start kort man har adgang til så man skal medbringe et basic sæt bestående af:
Priority Requisition x5
Private Contracts x2
Armitage Codebusting x2
Force of Nature x1
Aurora x1
Pipeline x1
Never tell me the odds! - Han Solo
In the grim darkness of the far future there is only... N'orr!
"...the stories we’ve told, and plan to tell, of Twilight Imperium." ~CTP, FFG
Hvis nogen ikke har draftet før / ikke har mere end et Core, så sig til. Jeg har masser af Priority Requisitions liggende.
In the grim darkness of the far future there is only... N'orr!
"...the stories we’ve told, and plan to tell, of Twilight Imperium." ~CTP, FFG
YO... Støberiet har åben tirsdag d. 22. Så klubben er åben.
Should I even bother to remind you of the odds?
- Drizzt Do'Urden
Jeg falder på begge sider af den streg - har ikke draftet før/ejer kun et enkelt Core.
Hook a brother up
Fint fint, jeg tager nogle ekstra med
In the grim darkness of the far future there is only... N'orr!
"...the stories we’ve told, and plan to tell, of Twilight Imperium." ~CTP, FFG
Siri og jeg har snakket om, om man måske skulle mødes allerede kl 13 i fanadiq. Jeg ved jo ikke helt hvornår jeg er færdig, men sidste tirsdag var vi færdige efter en time. Så kan vi gå igang når jeg kommer, og så kan man hygge runne lidt indtil da?
In the grim darkness of the far future there is only... N'orr!
"...the stories we’ve told, and plan to tell, of Twilight Imperium." ~CTP, FFG
Ja det er nok meget godt, jeg tænkte på at hænge ud det meste af dagen alligevel!
For resten det er ikke et must, men cuben er lidt blandet draft og normale kort så jeg tager farvede sleeves med så jeg ikke kan se forskel på kortene.
Uhh det blir hyggeligt!
Never tell me the odds! - Han Solo