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Hiya Gals and Guys,
Welcome to the Doomtown: Reloaded League of Extraordinary Gunslingers!
The League meets every last tuesday of the month.
This League is divided into seasons - each season spans over 4 months (4 game nights) and has prizes as allowed by the availability of OP sets.
The first season spans from the 30th of June to the 29th of September and has the following rules:
Each tuesday we will try to let everyone play everyone. If that is not possible due to the number of participants, we will play at least 4 rounds - randomly drawn.
Each player can only play each outfit (Sloane, 4th Ring, MCC or Law Dogs) one Tuesday - so that all outfits are plaey if you participate all tuesdays. Which home you choose however is up to you.
In case of ties we will tiebreak in order of most games won with weakest outfit. The player with most wins with the weakest outfit (the outfit with the worst lose/win ratio) will win over the player with the lowest.
Hope to see ya all ready the 3oth!
Marshall ManHammer
"Frankie, make him gone..."
Hi guys,
This might give some inspiration to the next league? … option/259
Marshal ManHammer
"Frankie, make him gone..."