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Dette er en liste over de trofæer (og andre små præmier) der giver evner, som florerer i ligaen.
Return of the Horned One (2011) - Vermin Helmet (Horns & Extra Arms) 40.000gp - Khain, Berserkeren - Fins Bay Buccaneers (Norse, Casper)
Winter Is Coming Cup (2012) - Skullbreaker Necklace (Dauntless & Disturbing Presence) 40.000gp - ?? - Shichinin no Samurai (Skaven, Bugge)
Generalforsamlingens Dungeon Bowl (2011)* - Favored of Nuffle (Special Terning) ?? - Damsels In Distress (Wood Elves, Andreas)
Spike Magazine Konkurrence (2012) - Fan Favorite Skill 20.000gp - ?? & ?? - Medicin Sans Order (Doctors Without Orders) & Frogs of War (Chaos Dwarf & Slann, Jesper)
In the grim darkness of the far future there is only... N'orr!
"...the stories we’ve told, and plan to tell, of Twilight Imperium." ~CTP, FFG